Chapter 10

Interrelationships of Plan Components                                                        


The Future Land Use Plan allocates general land use categories and addresses the recommended types of land uses and densities for those uses.  The availability of sanitary sewer and water facilities influence the shaping of development patterns, including location and density.  It is critical to coordinate land use and infrastructure planning so future land use reflects the availability of public sewer and water facilities and public sewer and water facilities are not proposed for those areas not intended for future development. 


It is intended that Growth Areas be served by public sewer and water facilities as capacity becomes available to permit a variety of types and densities of residential development.  The Housing Plan addresses the need to provide a broad range of housing for all demographic groups in the community.  Public sewer and water facilities are necessary to accomplish this.  In general, public sewer and water facilities should not be extended to Agricultural and Forest Conservation areas unless necessary to alleviate public safety concerns or support agricultural operations, as the Agricultural and Forest Conservation areas are intended to promote retention of agriculture and rural character, and allow only very low density residential development. 


Through land use planning, such as designation of the Agricultural and Forest Conservation areas, recharge areas for ground water supplies are established.  Water resource planning in the region is critical, to assure supplies for residential land uses, economic development, and agricultural operations.  Intensive residential development is not proposed where sewer infrastructure is not planned, available, or in close proximity. 


It is important that community facilities, including recreation and open space, are available to serve the residents of the area.  Coordination with the County Greenways Plan and local planning for trails for recreational purposes and to better link residential areas and community facilities is also recommended.  Future public facilities should be sited to be consistent with the objectives of the Future Land Use Plan, such as maintaining the rural character of the Agricultural and Forest Conservation areas.  Typically, public facilities should be located within residential areas to better serve residents.  Emergency services, as well as other services in the region, need to be analyzed for adequacy, funding, and staffing, to support residential areas in the community.


The Future Land Use Plan supports economic vitality by providing areas for commercial, business and industrial development and agricultural activities.  Preservation and logical expansion of residential neighborhoods can provide support for local businesses and provide a work force.  Providing for open space and preservation of natural resources, such as the Michaux State Forest, supports the quality of life in the area and can encourage additional investment in the Region.


It is necessary to maintain a circulation system, which can accommodate generated traffic volumes.  In turn, future development should not adversely affect the circulation system.  Land use decisions are influenced by the existing circulation system, while at the same time those land use decisions affect circulation systems and the functions which roads are expected to perform.  Rural and residential areas should be protected as much as possible from the impacts of through traffic, which can be facilitated by proposed improvements to the circulation network.  Efforts to provide and link a variety of modes of transportation, including auto travel, pedestrian and bicycle trails, are encouraged, particularly to serve residential areas, businesses, and community facilities.    


Interrelationships of Plan Components



Land Use and Housing

Sewer and Water

Community Facilities


Natural Environment

Economic Development

Land Use and Housing

§          Support existing centers

§          Provide housing opportunities for all

§          Target growth areas

§          Policies coordinated with land use goals to direct development to growth areas

§          Make available to serve area residents

§          Must consider impacts of growth within and outside the region

§          Existing residential areas should not have excessive volumes and speed

§          Access Management on major corridors

§          Provide open space system through their protection

§          Agricultural Preservation strategies

§          Impacts on residential areas should be mitigated

§          Provide jobs and services for residents


Sewer and Water

§          Growth should occur where have adequate facilities

§          Consider existing facilities and plans, appropriate discharge standards and methods

§          Locate with consideration of ability to serve, consistent with land use goals

§          Should be coordinated in support of growth areas

§          Water Supply sources should be protected and pollution prevented

§          Should not overburden systems or deplete water supplies

Community Facilities

§          Include facilities to service residents and growth areas

§          Major facilities should be adequately served

§          Consider existing facilities and plans, potential cooperative efforts

§          Should adequately service facilities in the region

§          Consider linkages of community facilities

§          Can provide  recreational opportunities

§          Maintain green infrastructure

§          Can provide a tax base to support provision of facilities


§          Growth should occur where have adequate system

§          Maintain functional operation and safety when growth occurs

§          Should be coordinated in support of growth areas

§          Locate major facilities where can be adequately serviced

§          Concerns for school transportation system

§          Consider impacts on system from growth

§          Consider existing facilities and plans, coordinate with County and PennDOT

§          Plan improvements to the system

§          Can provide scenic roads and vistas

§          Provide alternative transportation modes

§          Access management and necessary road improvements must be considered

Natural Environment

§          Development should occur where land is suitable and resources will not be harmed

§          Should not extend to areas where irreparably  harm important resources

§          Can incorporate natural features

§          Can facilitate access to resources

§          Design system with consideration of existing environment and resources

§          Existing natural resources should be protected, enhanced and interpreted

§          Protect the natural environment

§          Promote heritage tourism

Economic Development

§          Identify appropriate land uses for sensitive areas

§          Protect water resources

§          Provide for commercial, industrial,  business uses

§          Neighborhoods provide workforce and market


§          Can support development at appropriate locations

§          Contribute to quality of life and the attractiveness of the area

§          Implement a greenway system

§          Promote neighborhood commercial uses in villages

§          Can support economic development

§          Enhance regional alternative transportation systems

§          Address system deficiencies to enhance attractiveness of region

§          Contribute to quality of life and attractiveness of area to businesses

§          Support existing business centers

§          Revitalize downtown

§          Revitalize industrial areas