Chapter 3

Goals and Objectives                                                                             



This chapter of the Comprehensive Plan presents the goals and objectives of the Washington Township/Waynesboro Borough Planning Region.  Goals are general statements indicating the desired direction for the communities, and reflect the long-term state they wish to establish or maintain.  Objectives are more specific, relatively short-term policy guidelines for the municipalities to follow.  Goals are achieved through accomplishment of one or more of the stated objectives.  This Plan will identify goals and objectives of a regional nature, but because of some differences between the municipalities, some objectives are specifically aimed at one municipality and not the other.


It should be noted that the goals and objectives contained in this chapter, as well as the Policies contained within Part II of this Plan support the American Planning Association concept of Smart Growth.  Smart Growth encourages a more efficient use of the land by encouraging a larger share of growth within urbanized or previously developed areas already served by public infrastructure.  Smart Growth reduces the pressure of development on farmland, open space, and environmentally sensitive areas. 


Smart Growth can be interpreted in many ways by different people and organizations. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed the following list of 10 Smart Growth Principles that have generally been accepted by planning professionals as a starting point:


1.                  Incorporate Mixed Land Uses

2.                  Take Advantage of Compact Building Design

3.                  Create a Range of Housing Opportunities and Choices

4.                  Create Walkable Neighborhoods

5.                  Foster Distinctive, Attractive Communities with a Strong Sense of Place

6.                  Preserve Open Space, Farmland, Natural Beauty, and Critical Environmental Areas

7.                  Strengthen and Direct Development Towards Existing Communities

8.                  Provide a Variety of Transportation Choices

9.                  Make Development Decisions Predictable, Fair, and Cost Effective

10.             Encourage Community and Stakeholder Collaboration in Development Decisions





Natural, Agricultural, and Scenic Resources


Goal:  Protect, preserve and enhance the natural, agricultural, and scenic resources of Washington Township and Waynesboro Borough for current and future generations, for recreational and educational use. 




•      Protect and retain water resources within the municipalities to assure the quantity and quality of surface and groundwater for recreational use, wildlife habitats, fire protection, and water supply.  Of particular concern will be water supply recharge areas, Michaux State Forest, Happel’s Meadow, Antietam Creek, wetlands and floodplains along the Region’s creeks, and steep slopes draining to the creeks.


•      Protect groundwater and surface water from pollution and excessive withdrawal.


•      Protect and manage woodlands within the municipalities.


•      Protect the steep slopes within the Township and Borough.


     •      Protect the actively farmed land remaining in the Township.


•     Identify techniques to encourage continual use of existing farmland, including the Agricultural Preservation Program.


•      Encourage the retention of existing desirable trees in the Borough and Township and the planting of additional trees as part of a tree planting program. 


•      Protect watersheds and wellhead areas.


•      Encourage the preservation of the scenic road corridors and views along them within Washington Township by limiting the encroachment of development.


•      Encourage creation of riparian buffers and retention of greenways along the Region’s creeks.










Historic, Cultural, and Artistic Resources


Goal: Identify, preserve and enhance the historic, architectural, artistic, and cultural resources of the Township and Borough.




•      Encourage the preservation, protection, and enhancement of historic and architectural resources and their context.


•      Preserve and promote the unique aspects of the Region’s cultural diversity and heritage that is displayed through its’ architecture and its’ people.


•      Encourage the appreciation of the visual and performing arts in the Region.


•      Support efforts of the Waynesboro Historical Society to preserve historic and cultural resources.


•      Create an atmosphere that attracts and enhances the artistic community.


•      Work with the Waynesboro Area School District to facilitate visual and performance arts opportunities for the residents of the Region.


•      Require new development to reflect and consider the history, architecture and development patterns of the municipalities; discourage inconsistent development near historic resources; require impact studies for development near historic resources; and require mitigation of any potential adverse impacts on historic resources.


•      Consider initiating community-wide festivals to promote, enhance, and celebrate the Region’s unique cultural diversity.


•      Encourage adaptive re-use of historic structures where appropriate.








Open Space and Recreation


Goal: Provide open space and recreation in the Region by protecting and preserving, the remaining wooded, rural areas in the Township and by retaining and maintaining existing parks, and planning and developing new recreation areas.




•     Concentrate the future growth in the Township near existing developed areas to reduce pressure on existing open spaces.


•     Advocate the protection of regional treasures such as the Michaux State Forest, the Appalachian Trail, and Happel’s Meadow.


•     Protect and preserve the perimeter of existing park, recreation, and natural areas.


•     Promote and preserve the Region’s many fishing, hunting, and hiking opportunities.


•     Maintain a buffer around Happel’s Meadow.  The Township should monitor the availability of surrounding properties and seek to acquire them when they become available.


•     Promote infill development in existing developed areas and maintenance and restoration of existing housing resources to reduce development of open space.           


•      Limit and plan infrastructure extensions in order to not encourage development in areas desired as open space.


•      Develop a trail head or stop-off facility for Appalachian Trail thru-hikers, and encourage local non-profit organizations to provide assistance.


•      Link recreation areas and natural areas within the Region through open space, greenway and trail systems.


•      Plan, facilitate, and identify a trail connection between existing and future subdivisions and recreation areas.


•      Encourage the continued availability of the park system facilities to area residents.


•      Implement the Franklin County Greenway Plan.


Land Use and Housing


Goal:  Retain the existing character of the Borough and the Township by preserving natural, scenic, and open space resources; managing growth; enhancing the tax base; enhancing streetscapes; and assuring the continued desirability of the municipalities as places to live.




•      Identify growth areas which are logical extensions of existing concentrations of development in the Wayne Heights, Zullinger, and Rouzerville areas, have appropriate access, can be efficiently served by the circulation system, and can be efficiently served by public sewer and water systems.


•      Direct new development in the Township and Borough to the growth areas.


•      Enhance the tax base through preservation of open space, agricultural land, and  commercial/industrial development.


•      Discourage development in areas not suitable for on-site sewage disposal which cannot be feasibly sewered.


•      Encourage compact business development patterns along Main Street.


•      Utilize the Main Street, Anchor Building, Elm Street and similar programs.


 •      Minimize conflicts between non-residential and residential uses through allocation of land use and utilization of performance and design standards and buffer yards.  Discourage proximity of incompatible land uses within the area and along municipal boundaries.


•     Recognize the variety of housing needs of area residents, particularly for the physically challenged/senior citizens and the Region’s workforce.


•      Allow a variety of housing densities and attractive residential housing types in appropriately designated areas, consistent with the natural resources, service constraints and existing character of the municipalities.


•      Encourage owner occupancy of dwelling units in the Borough and Township.


•      Encourage retention of dwelling units within commercial areas to provide for mixed and continued use of these areas.


  •      Appropriately allocate land use on a regional rather than municipality by municipality basis.


•      Maintain community character.


•      Identify and preserve historic structures.


     •      Provide for suitable, attractive and compatible commercial and office uses at appropriate locations, consistent with existing land use patterns, support services, and the transportation system. 


•      Encourage additional commercial development along Main Street at designated locations and encourage appropriate economic use of the vacant Landis Tool Company.


•      Work to retain existing and attract new desirable businesses in the community, and foster the viability of downtown Waynesboro, PA Route 16 corridor in Washington Township, industrial parks in the Township, and vacant industrial properties within the Borough through revitalization efforts and streetscape improvements.


     •      Provide for adequate, safe and sound housing for present and future residents.


     •      Provide for the maintenance and any necessary improvement of existing residential areas and housing stock through appropriate land use controls and enforcement policies and programs.


•     Establish appropriate policies for residential conversions within the area which will be consistent with retention of the character, stability, and upkeep of residential neighborhoods and provision of adequate parking facilities.


  •      Plan land uses and densities which will be consistent with the need to preserve open land, manage traffic, maintain the quality of life in the area, and have manageable tax structures.



Transportation and Circulation


Goal:  Plan for a circulation system which will allow safe and efficient vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian travel throughout the Region.




•      Coordinate land use and road improvement policies.


•      Improve the safety of intersections along PA Route 16.


•      Preserve and improve the capacity of the existing roads within the area as future development occurs through cooperative efforts with developers and PennDOT.


•      Monitor impacts on roadway capacity from new development and require developers to address projected increased traffic volumes in the road system by improving the existing system.


•      Investigate providing additional parking opportunities in Waynesboro Borough. 


•      Assure adequate access management occurs along the major road corridors such as PA Routes 16, 316, and 997 to minimize the number of access points to the road system.


•      Facilitate pedestrian circulation within the business areas of the community through such means as benches, landscaping, shade, windbreaks, street lights, curb cuts, water fountains, and other pedestrian amenities.


•      Preserve the scenic road corridors and vistas within the Township.


•     Maintain and upgrade the existing road system as necessary and encourage PennDOT to improve state-controlled roads and intersections.


•     Institute appropriate traffic calming and noise abatement techniques in the Region.


     •      Encourage and support the development of a network of trails linking residential areas to open space and recreation resources, surrounding municipalities’ trail systems. 


•     Encourage maintenance and improvement of sidewalks and curbs, completion of gaps in the sidewalk system, and extension of the sidewalk system.


•     Expand the pedestrian system and parking to the area of the Waynesboro Area School District facilities.


•     Relieve truck congestion along PA Route 16, particularly in the Borough.  


•     Determine the merits of and appropriate locations of park and ride facilities and other multi-modal facilities.


•     An engineering study should be conducted to investigate a potential bypass of PA Route 16 around the southern part of the Borough. 


•     Complete Washington Township Boulevard.


•     Encourage Franklin County to implement a County-wide public transit system.



Community Facilities, Services and Development


Goal:  Provide essential facilities and services to meet the existing and future needs of residents consistent with the financial capabilities of the Borough, Township, and Region.




     •      Identify services and facilities which can be provided on a cooperative basis and work toward intermunicipal cooperation.


     •      Continue to evaluate the need and opportunity for additional, expanded or improved community services and facilities and plan for the efficient and economical provision of those services and facilities.


•      Maintain intermunicipal cooperation for sewage treatment and disposal and water supply.


•      Advocate for the provision of adequate child and adult day care facilities.


•      Review proposed developments to ensure that developers are providing for required infrastructure, and properly designed and appropriately located recreation facilities.


•      Plan and discuss tax base issues on a community-wide basis.


•      Review opportunities for sharing of equipment, service and facilities.


•      Investigate the possibility of establishing a coordinated emergency services plan for the area. 


•      Foster a spirit of community within the Borough and Township.


•      Support community-wide activities, events and resident participation in government.


•      Encourage communication and cooperative efforts among Borough government, Township government, the School District, community organizations, residents and businesses to assure the continued vitality of the area.


•      Provide efficient police, fire, and emergency services to the Region.


•      Investigate opportunities for cooperation among municipalities and the school district in providing and making available facilities and programs to area residents.


•      Provide adequate athletic fields for area youth through cooperative efforts in the Region. 


•      Require developers to adequately manage stormwater runoff and erosion and sedimentation.


•      Successfully address the area’s storm drainage problems and reduce flooding. 


•      Assure that the scale of development in the area is consistent with the capacity of the area’s infrastructure and fiscal capacities.


•      Coordinate sewer and water planning with land use policies.


•      Encourage cooperation among the fire companies in the Township and Borough to address the fire protection needs of the community.


•      Investigate the feasibility of locating all Washington Township municipal and authority facilities to one centralized site.





Economic Development


Goal:  Sustain and enhance the economic vitality of the Township and the Borough, while maintaining the small-town character.




•      Enhance the quality of life in the Region.


•      Encourage appropriate re-use and infill of vacant and underutilized properties.


•      Encourage the development of the Wharf Road Industrial Park.


•      Support programs and efforts to promote economic development in Franklin County and Region, and to retain, replace, and increase jobs for County and Region residents.


•      Provide for additional, appropriate commercial development at designated areas along Main Street and the PA Route 16 Corridor.


•      Provide linkages to major open spaces and attractions such as the Renfrew Museum Institute, Happel’s Meadow, Red Run Park, Antietam Meadow Park, Memorial Park, Rotary Park, Northside Park, and the Appalachian Trail, as well as the regional transportation system, to increase the attractiveness of the Region as a residential and business location.


•      Plan for adequate parking facilities in the downtown.


•      Facilitate pedestrian access to businesses.


•      Encourage streetscape improvements along Main Street and other revitalization efforts.


•      Foster municipality and business community cooperation in promoting economic development, community attractiveness, and activities and events. 


•      Foster home ownership, maintenance of the building stock, increase of the tax base, stability of neighborhoods and community, and fiscal soundness of local government and school district.





Goal:  Provide guidance for the decision making of Township and Borough officials and commissions by identifying an effective action plan in this Comprehensive Plan.




•     Encourage acceleration of regional Act 167 stormwater management planning for the DEP designated watersheds in the Region.


•      Continue to meet to discuss planning issues of common concern which arise in the future. Yearly, review the goals, objectives and policies of the Plan, their continued relevance, the extent to which they have been accomplished, and the need for revision, and establish a work program for implementation of the Plan.


•      Establish a process to coordinate planning future efforts with key stakeholders in the Region, including the school district.


•      Work with surrounding communities, regional planning and development organizations and PennDOT to address vehicular, pedestrian, and transit, circulation, land use, community facility and economic development issues which impact Waynesboro Borough and Washington Township.


•      Encourage community-based, long term planning for school facilities.  Invite the school district to actively participate in the planning process,





Goal:  Accomplish the goals, objectives and policies of this Joint Comprehensive Plan through identified appropriate implementation techniques.




•     Establish a process and identify techniques to manage and control growth in the Township.


     •      Identify techniques to protect agricultural land in the Township.


•     Implement Growing Greener by Design conservation zoning regulations and ordinances in the Township to preserve farmland, open space, and natural areas.


•      Identify opportunities for intermunicipal cooperation to accomplish the goals and objectives of the plan.


•      Participate in State grant programs which will aid in the implementation of this Plan.


•      Participate with Franklin County and State programs designed to encourage intermunicipal cooperation.


•      Establish the basis for land use regulations which will implement this Plan.


•      Encourage PennDOT and Franklin County cooperation in achieving transportation objectives. 


     •      Secure funding for unfunded government mandates.


•     Establish a yearly meeting with major stakeholders, such as citizens, merchants, industrial firms, the Downtown Committee, the Chamber of Commerce, elected officials, other civic groups, and the school district to evaluate the accomplishments of this plan.