Chapter 5

Economic Development Plan                                                                   



The Waynesboro Borough/Washington Township Planning Region must support and create conditions for innovative economic and community development.  A proactive approach to economic development is to increase the tax base as well as employment opportunities by expanding and diversifying the economic base. Residents of the Region expressed an interest in additional commercial and industrial development in the area, especially in areas of the Borough that can be recycled and reused as industrial.


Changes in the economic base of the Region will have a direct impact on the lives of area residents.  As the local economy becomes less dependent upon manufacturing and moves towards the service industry, as is happening nationally, cyclical fluctuations related to manufacturing may become less severe.  This may mean lower levels of unemployment relative to the national as well as the local economy.  On the other hand, less dependence upon manufacturing may also mean lower paying jobs.  


As business needs change, companies move from one facility to another. Vacant or under-utilized facilities can result if new businesses and tenants are not found.  In the Washington Township/Waynesboro Region, this occurs mainly in the Borough of Waynesboro.   The reuse of vacant buildings and sites is sometimes complicated by the need for on-site improvements, the difficulties of converting buildings designed for one use, or liabilities for environmental cleanup.  The reuse of these sites may require additional investment and targeted marketing.  It is a problem that is likely to grow in the future as some manufacturing and older commercial businesses close.  


The citizen survey revealed that the stability and vitality of the Region’s character and economy is a concern for area residents. Residents were concerned with the tax base and job opportunities in the Region.  The respondents are also concerned about the loss of rural areas to residential development.  A coordinated economic development strategy involving smaller scale uses could be directed to the downtown areas of Waynesboro, and the Villages of Zullinger, Rouzerville, and Blue Ridge Summit; and larger-scale enterprises could be directed toward the PA Route 16 Corridor in several locations in the Township, which are appropriate for larger scale commercial and office uses.  Industrial development should be directed toward existing industrially zoned areas of the Borough and Wharf Road, and should be buffered to prevent incompatible residential development adjacent to these sites.


The Costs of Land Use


As development has increased in and around the Region, costs associated with that development, including traffic and road maintenance, public protection, sewer and water system development and expansion, and public education have also increased. Ultimately, these costs result in higher taxes, which can be especially burdensome on those with fixed incomes. One way to address increased costs is to form cooperative efforts among the municipalities and volunteer organizations to identify ways to provide essential services more efficiently, and to eliminate duplication of services among agencies.


Continued residential development in the Region needs a balance of non-residential development to ensure a healthy tax base and economy.  The Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Cooperative Extension has published a study entitled, “Fiscal Impacts of Different Land Uses, the Pennsylvania Experience.”  In the study, eight Pennsylvania townships were analyzed to determine the fiscal impact of land uses.  The ratios of revenues to expenditures were calculated for residential, commercial, industrial, and farm and open land.   Residential land, on average, requires substantially more expenditures, mainly due to school expenses and infrastructure costs.  In some cases, the expense to revenue ratio can be more than 2 to 1 for residential uses. Commercial, industrial, and farm and open land provides more revenue than they require in expenditures.  These findings are consistent with those in other states, according to the study. 


Encouraging Economic Vitality


Municipalities can support economic vitality through municipal ordinances.  Amending zoning ordinances to allow additional commercial and industrial development, as well as adaptive reuse of older buildings is one method. Streetscape enhancement of commercial areas and entry or “gateway” enhancements are others.  The township and borough must take advantage of the public/private partnerships that exist and provide leadership to the business community to help establish a common focus for future economic development.  Key facilities, such as the Wharf Road Industrial Park and the brownfield redevelopment opportunities in the Borough should be promoted to attract economic development to the Region.


A healthy economy requires a balance between residential and non residential uses, preserving residential neighborhoods to support commercial areas and provide a workforce.  Communities with high quality-of-life amenities attract more affluent and skilled workers and retain existing workforces better than communities with poor quality-of-life amenities. Preserving open space, architecture, and culture helps a community maintain a sense of place and attract people and businesses to the Region.  


Employment by Occupation and Industry


A useful indicator when analyzing an employment base is a breakdown of where the Region’s residents work.  As discussed above, there is a national trend away from traditional occupations in the manufacturing sector to service and sales industries. Although the Region continues to show high rates of manufacturing jobs, recent plant closings in the Region will begin to reverse this trend.  In 2000, most people in the Region were employed in the “manufacturing”, “production, transportation and material moving occupations”, and “sales and office” related occupations.


Table 5-1 and Figure 5.1, Employment by Industry and Occupation, depict the employment data from the 2000 Census for persons 16 and over.   



Table 5-1:  Employment by Industry/Occupation - 2000












Agriculture, forestry, fisheries, hunting, and mining















Wholesale Trade





Retail trade





Transportation, warehousing and utilities










Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing





Professional, scientific, management, administrative and waste management services





Educational, health and social services





Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services





Other services (except public administration)





Public administration










Management, professional and related occupations





Service occupations





Sales and office occupations






Farming, fishing and forestry occupations





Construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations















Production, transportation and material moving occupation










Total employed persons 16 years and over




Source:  U.S. Census Bureau; Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2000.




        Figure 5.1 - Employment by Occupation








Unemployment Rates in the Region


Unemployment rates are often a good reflection on the economy of a community.  They are not, however, the definitive indicator of economic health, due to the variety of factors that may affect the rate.  Seasonal jobs, size of workforce, national economic trends, and actions of large companies all can affect local unemployment rates.


The Census Bureau publishes a municipal profile for each municipality within Pennsylvania that contains specific employment data for the Townships.  Table 5-2 identifies the percent unemployment for each municipality in 2000. 


Consistent to the Franklin County unemployment rate of 2.3%, the two municipalities in the planning region have low unemployment rates.  Washington Township has the lowest, at 1.7%; while Waynesboro’s rate is a bit higher, at 2.9%.   The average unemployment rate for the State of Pennsylvania was 6.1%.    


Along with the very low unemployment rates, the Region is generally consistent with the State in terms of median family income levels.  The State median income was $40,106 in 2000, compared to a $38,369 average for the Region.  Table 5-3 contains the Income, Poverty, and Educational levels for both the Township and the Borough.




         Table 5-2:  Unemployment Rates










Borough of Waynesboro






Persons Unemployed




Number Persons Employed




Percent Unemployed




















Table 5-3:  Income, Poverty and Education Characteristics - 2000


Income and Education Categories



Borough of Waynesboro

Median Household Income



Percent  Below Poverty Level - Individuals



Income Type



Number of Households – Total








With wage and salary income





    Mean earnings (dollars)





With social security





    Mean Social Security income (dollars)





With Supplemental Security Income





   With Supplemental Security Income






With public assistance income





 Mean public assistance income (dollars)





With retirement income





    Mean retirement income (dollars)








Educational Information



High School Graduates (includes equivalency)

   3,609 (44.6%)

     2,999 (46.1%)

College Graduates (Associates Degree)

           620 (7.7%)

        355 (5.5%)

College Graduates (Bachelor’s Degree)

           683 (8.4%)

         571 (8.8%)

Graduate or Professional Degree

           583 (7.2%)

         247 (3.8%)

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau; Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2000.



Journey to Work


Table 5-4 depicts the Region’s means of and travel time to work.  The majority of Washington Township and Waynesboro residents drive alone to work.










Table 5-4:  Journey to Work/Commute Times - 2000


Means of Transportation to Work


Washington Township




Waynesboro Borough

Workers 16 years and over



Car, Truck or Van;  Drove Alone



Car, Truck or Van;  Carpooled



Used Public Transportation (bus, taxicab, or train)







Other Means



Worked at Home



Travel Time to Work- workers who did not work at home



Less than 5 minutes



5-9 minutes



10-14 minutes



15-19 minutes



20-24 minutes



25-29 minutes



30-34 minutes



35-39 minutes



40-44 minutes



45-59 minutes



60-89 minutes



Over 90 minutes



Worked at home



Mean Travel time to work (minutes)













Major Employers within the Region and County


The top 25 employers in Franklin County, along with number of employees are listed below:


1.         Letterkenny Army Depot/tenants                                                    2,800

2.         Summit Health                                                                                   2,700

3.         Manitowoc                                                                                         2,000

4.         Franklin County Government (County Offices)                                900

5.         Chambersburg Area School District                                                  900

6.         Volvo Construction Equipment (Ingersoll Rand)                  800

7.         Target Distribution Center                                                                  650                          8.            Food Lion, Inc.                                                                                     550

9.         Johnson Controls (Frick Company)                                                   515

10.       Waynesboro Area School District                                                     495

11.       Martin’s Famous Pastry Shoppe, Inc.                                                 485

12.       Wal-Mart                                                                                              480

13.       Menno Haven, Inc.                                                                               475

14.       World Kitchen, LLC                                                               450

15.      T.B. Woods, Inc.                                                                                   440

16.       Ingram Book Company                                                                        440

17.       Greencastle-Antrim School District                                                  400

18.       Jerr-Dan Corporation                                                                          400

19.       K-Mart Regional Specialty Store (Distribution Center)                  400

20.       Shippensburg Area School District                                        400

21.       Tuscarora School District                                                                   350

22.       Ventura Foods. LLC                                                                 350

23.       Staples Direct                                                                                       325

24.       National Book network                                                                        325

25.       Valley Quarries, Inc.                                                                325


Source:  Franklin County Economic Development Corporation



Economic Development Trends


Economic development in the Region, in all probability, will be focused on the PA Route 16 Corridor and the PA 316 Corridor.  The Borough of Waynesboro has traditionally been the focal point for economic and social interaction and activities for the Region’s residents.  The migration of retail trade to the Township is related to the growth and expansion of residential areas within the Township.  This migration is not a recent trend, but has occurred as developed areas have outgrown their original land areas and automobile use became virtually universal.    

Economic Development


Goal:  Sustain and enhance the economic vitality of the Township and the Borough, while maintaining the small-town character.




     Enhance the quality of life in the Region.


     Encourage appropriate re-use and infill of vacant and underutilized properties.


     Encourage the development of the Wharf Road Industrial Park.


     Support programs and efforts to promote economic development in Franklin County and Region, and to retain, replace, and increase jobs for County and Region residents.


     Provide for additional, appropriate commercial development at designated areas along Main Street and the PA Route 16 Corridor.


     Provide linkages to major open spaces and attractions such as the Renfrew Museum Institute, Happel’s Meadow, Red Run Park, Antietam Meadow Park, Memorial Park, Rotary Park, Northside Park, and the Appalachian Trail, as well as the regional transportation system, to increase the attractiveness of the Region as a residential and business location.


     Plan for adequate parking facilities in the downtown.


     Facilitate pedestrian access to businesses.


     Encourage streetscape improvements along Main Street and other revitalization efforts.


     Foster municipality and business community cooperation including the Waynesboro Industrial Development Corporation, Franklin County Industrial Development Authority, Rouzerville Business Association, and the Greater Waynesboro Chamber of Commerce in promoting economic development, community attractiveness, and activities and events.


     Foster home ownership, maintenance of the building stock, increase of the tax base, stability of neighborhoods and community, and fiscal soundness of local government and school district.


Target Areas


Economic development planning is not only the responsibility of the municipal officials.  Local economic groups, non-profit organizations, business and property owners, and local and State legislators all have a stake in the economic well being of the Region.  The Region is home to several economic development groups such as Main Street Waynesboro, Inc, the Franklin County Area Development Corporation, as well as the local chamber of commerce.  These groups need to establish a consistent approach and common focus for future economic development and work closely with the public and private sectors to avoid duplication of efforts.  The first step to improve the climate for economic development and develop a community wide vision is to identify the crucial or ‘target areas’ that present the most economic development potential in the Region.  


PA Route 16 Corridor - Washington Township/Waynesboro Borough


The commercial areas in Washington Township include areas on the PA Route 16 Corridor including the villages of Rouzerville and Zullinger. The most intense commercial development should occur in the Village of Rouzerville, from Welty Road to just east of Washington Township Boulevard.  The development potential for these areas includes larger scale retail and grocery stores, as well as ancillary commercial uses.  In the Borough, a continuation of existing commercial uses and infill development would be most appropriate.  In these commercial areas, the uses should adhere to design standards that encourage visual consistency along this corridor by regulating access management, signage, landscaping, setbacks, and in the Borough, streetscape improvements. 


The citizen survey revealed that downtown revitalization is important to residents.  The residents also believed that future commercial development should focus on restaurants, clothing, specialty retail, and the entertainment industry.  Main Street Waynesboro, Inc. has hired a downtown manager and secured Downtown Business Initiative funding to attract new businesses and aid existing businesses to expand.


PA Route 997 Corridor – Washington Township/Waynesboro Borough


The commercial areas along PA Route 997 (Church Street) as delineated on the Future Land Use Map should be reserved for commercial, industrial, or office development.  The northern end of this corridor closest to Quincy Township is designated for neighborhood commercial uses.  This area, because of its location within or just outside of the Borough, in which medium to high density housing is occurring, and because of its potential to be served by public sewer and water, is an ideal location for economic development activities in the Region.  The corridor contains opportunities for Brownfield re-development in the Borough.


Brownfield Redevelopment – Waynesboro Borough


Brownfields are abandoned, idled, or under-used industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contaminations.  The Borough of Waynesboro contains opportunities for brownfield redevelopment, particularly in the southern side of the Borough between Fifth and Seventh Streets, including buildings formerly operated by Landis.  When possible, these properties should be redeveloped as industrial uses, as they would provide needed jobs and tax base advantages to the Region.  An alternative use would be business incubation or micro-enterprises.  Consideration should be given to the merits of establishing an authority to acquire and promote the reuse of vacant industrial buildings.


Washington Township Boulevard / Welty Road Extension - Washington Township


The partially completed Washington Township Boulevard should be targeted for a variety of residential, commercial and /or office type uses. Commercial development should continue in properties adjacent to the Wal-Mart Center, while future residential development should occur north of this commercial, particularly between Old Forge and Country Club Roads and should embrace the concept of conservation design zoning.  Along Welty Road, the uses should be less intense than along PA Route 16, including smaller scale commercial, residential, personal service, and professional offices.  Commercial and business development should complement the character of existing development, and should be located closer to PA Route 16 with an emphasis on efficient vehicle access management and safe pedestrian access.


Wharf Road Industrial Park


In addition to the reestablishment of industrial areas in the Borough, Future industrial development in the Region should be directed to the Wharf Road Industrial Park lands in Washington Township.  This industrial park is located on Wharf Road and Zane A. Miller Drive off PA Route 16 in the Village of Zullinger.  The park is also located a few miles east of the Interstate 81 Interchange in Antrim Township.  This desirable location presents an opportunity for industrial development, and funding should be pursued by the Township in cooperation with economic development entities within the County.



Fort Ritchie Access Road


As a result of the federal Base Realignment and Closure Commission’s (BRACC) decision, Fort Ritchie will be converted from a U.S. Army base to civilian uses. A military post located in the northeastern corner of Washington County, Maryland (near the Pennsylvania border), the Fort is being redeveloped by the PenMar Development Corporation as a corporate conference and training center. Plans include some residential development as well. When completed, the proposed development of the Fort Ritchie site will include approximately 673 residential units and over 1.6 million square feet of office development, including over 4,500 new jobs. This will present an increase in traffic to and from the Region, and presents an opportunity for economic development in the Township.




A.        Zone areas appropriate for economic development pursuant to the Future Land Use Plan designations.  Develop environmental performance standards. Prepare Specific Plans where appropriate, as per Section 1106 of the Municipalities Planning Code.


            Emphasize light industrial, health care, research and development, high technology, office and service development to supplement the existing commercial and industrial development in the Region.  


            Require new development to be designed and constructed to meet environmental performance standards, eliminate adverse impacts on adjacent land uses, and minimize highway access safety hazards.


B.        Maintain a dialog with businesses in the community to determine their needs and concerns in order to retain existing businesses and ensure their experience in the Region is positive.


C.        Work with telecommunications companies to ensure that adequate telecommunications facilities, including fiber optics, are available to businesses in the Region.  Consider developing wireless “hotspots”, particularly in downtown Waynesboro.


D.        Work with the Franklin County Area Development Corporation (FCADC) to identify potential funding strategies for land purchase and infrastructure improvements to support economic development in the Region.


E.         Refine zoning policies for home employment and no-impact home-based businesses.


F.         Inform economic development agencies of areas and buildings zoned and available for commercial and industrial development in the Region.


G         Investigate programs providing financial incentives for the re-use of old buildings and tax lien forgiveness to re-use buildings, and preserve historic sites.  Work with PADCED. 


H.        In recognition of the need to foster the economic viability of the Region, enhance the highway transportation systems within the Region pursuant to the transportation action items.


I.          Support the necessary legislation to authorize impact fees in addition to those which can now be charged.  Work to establish consistent policies on use of impact fees within the Region.


J.         Investigate the potential for PENNVEST funding for reinvestment and redevelopment of brownfield sites in the Borough. 


K.        Investigate opportunities for streamlining processes for economic development that will enhance the economy and quality of life of the Region.


L.         Review opportunities created with the recent passage of Pennsylvania’s Economic Stimulus Package, including such programs as Business in Our Sites and Tax Increment Financing Guarantee Program. 

Franklin County Economic Development Resources


Economic planning for the future of the Region, including providing the residents a high quality of life, and attracting new industries and commercial opportunities is a complicated and multi-faceted process requiring collaboration and coordination by organizations and agencies at many levels.  Below is a list of organizations that may be contacted to obtain information on available properties and the different tax incentives, economic development opportunities, business support, and workforce assistance which are available in the Region.





Organization                                                                                                Primary Functions


Franklin County Area Development Corporation (FCADC)                     Economic Development,              

Redevelopment, Business Retention, Workforce Development


Greater Waynesboro Chamber of Commerce                                            Economic Development/ Business Support



Waynesboro Industrial Development Authority                                         Bond financing and financial assistance


Franklin County Industrial Development Authority                                   Bond financing and    

                                                                                                                        financial assistance 


Mainstreet Waynesboro, Inc.                                                                       Downtown








Keystone Opportunity Zones (KOZ)

Keystone Opportunity Zones are defined as parcel- specific areas with greatly reduced or no tax burden for property owners, residents, and businesses.



To be considered a Keystone Opportunity Zone, a site must have:

  • Displayed through a vision/strategy statement how this property through targeted growth could impact the Region positively;
  • Displayed evidence of adverse economic and socioeconomic conditions in the proposed zone such as high poverty rates, high unemployment rates, a high percentage of abandoned or underutilized property, or population loss;
  • Passed binding resolutions or ordinances forgoing certain taxes; this includes school districts and county and municipal governments;
  • Public and private commitment of resources;
  • Linkages to regional community and economic development activities including Team Pennsylvania and initiatives under the DCED's Center for Community Building;
  • A written plan discussing the implementation of quality school improvements and local crime reduction measures;
  • And a demonstrated cooperation from surrounding municipalities.


Where to Apply – DCED Customer Service Center 1-800-379-7448



Enterprise Zones


Summary - The purpose of an Enterprise Zone is to promote job growth and to help municipalities take advantage of business expansion opportunities when they arise. EZ's improve the capacity of local governments and business communities by encouraging them to form public/private partnerships. These partnerships then boost business investment in the zone. Increased business investment, job creation, and sustained community self-sufficiency are the primary goals of the Enterprise Zone program.

Eligibility - Local governments, redevelopment authorities, nonprofit economic development organizations, and other nonprofit organizations and business district authorities.

Eligible Uses - Enterprise Zone competitive grants-to-loans can be used for up to 30 percent of the total project investment to acquire machinery and equipment. They are available for new business construction or building improvements, site improvements, infrastructure, and in some special cases, up to 40 percent of inventory or working capital needs. Competitive grants-to-loans also can be used toward the cost of preparing business lease space, especially for facilities with fiber optic wiring. Costs of public infrastructure development and hazardous waste testing may also be considered if the lack of conventional funding sources for such costs is documented. Competitive grants may not exceed 30 percent of total project investment, and one full-time job must be created or retained for each $30,000 of loan capital.

Where to Apply - DCED Customer Service Center 

Amounts - Planning grants can total up to $50,000 (one time only).  Basic grants can total up to $50,000 for up to seven consecutive years.  During this time period, basic grants may be increased up to $75,000 on two occasions, if the entity is undertaking a cluster analysis or some other activity that uses analytical tools to enhance the zone's development plans. This is not an entitlement program. Need and demonstrated progress must be documented before receiving these grants on a yearly basis.

Competitive grants-to-loans can total up to $500,000 and can be loaned to private sector firms in the zone.


Additional Programs / Opportunities


The Pennsylvania Economic Stimulus Package has been recently passed and includes the following economic development programs and potential funding sources for the Region:


           Business in Our Sites will offer flexible loans and grants for local municipalities and their economic development partners to create future business growth and attract opportunities through the acquisition and preparation of key sites for development.  The program would provide communities with grants and loans of up to $250,000 to pay for the reclamation of industrial land.


           Building PA will provide funding for the development of real estate assets in the Commonwealth.  Funds will be loaned to private investors and foundations who want to match funds to facilitate projects within the Commonwealth.


           New PA Venture Guarantee Program will allow the Commonwealth to more actively work with the investment community by providing guarantees to venture capital companies interested in Pennsylvania businesses.  These guarantees will provide increased capital for Pennsylvania businesses to grow and create jobs.


           New PA Venture Capital Investment Program will provide capital to venture capital companies focused on Pennsylvania that agree to match those funds and invest in Pennsylvania businesses.


           First Industries Fund.  First Industries will provide grants, low-interest loan financing, and loan guarantees for agriculture and tourism. 


           2nd Stage Loan Program will provide guarantees for bank loans to second-stage manufacturers and technology companies for working capital and other financing needs.  Targeted toward manufacturing, advanced technology, and biotechnology, these funds will support growth in these sectors.


           Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Guarantee Program.  Through TIF, communities can borrow funds for projects that will develop blighted areas and then repay those borrowed monies through the new tax revenues that will be generated as a result of the development.  A combination of technical assistance and loan guarantee assistance will encourage small communities to use this program.


           Infrastructure & Facilities Improvement Program is a multi-year grant program that will provide grants to certain issuers of debt to assist with the payment of debt service.


The Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) is the primary contact for these programs.


Specific Plans


The Municipalities Planning Code enables municipalities that have participated in a multi-municipal plan to adopt specific plans.  As part of the intergovernmental cooperative agreements, municipalities can choose to adopt specific plans individually or jointly.  The MPC defines a specific plan as:


            “a detailed plan for non-residential development of an area covered by a                       municipal or multi-municipal comprehensive plan, which when                                    approved and adopted by the participating municipalities through                                    ordinances and agreements, supersedes all other applications.”


A specific plan is a tool that can be used by municipal governments for the systematic implementation of a comprehensive plan.  It establishes a link between the policies of the comprehensive plan and development proposals in a specifically defined area.  Provisions of a specific plan shall include type, location and intensity of land uses, the design capability of infrastructure, the standards for preservation of natural resources, regulation of land development, and financing of capital improvements.  A specific plan can be used to define the exact location most appropriate for economic development activities to, particularly the village or commercial areas found on the Future Land Use Map, and protect it through ordinance that would supersede all other ordinances.


Specific plans do not create additional planning or permitting requirements.  All data collection involved in creating a specific plan is information required as a prerequisite for approval and recording of a final subdivision or land development plan.  The specific plan facilitates the planning and permitting, without having to wait for a development application.  When an appropriate development proposal occurs, permitting will move directly to the final plan, because all requirements for a preliminary plan (such as sewer, stormwater, sediment and erosion, highway occupancy) will have already been met.

Brownfield Redevelopment Funding – PENNVEST

Low-interest loans for the remediation of sites that have been contaminated by past industrial or commercial activity and pose a threat to local groundwater or surface water sources (“brownfield”).



  • Applicants must be a unit of municipal or county government or an affiliated industrial or economic development or redevelopment entity, such as an Industrial Development Authority or Corporation (collectively referred to herein as “public entities”).  A public entity may apply for financing on behalf of a private party, provided that either the public entity or the private party has an ownership interest in the property to be remediated. 

Eligible Uses


  • Specific assessment and remediation activities on contaminated properties across the Commonwealth.  These activities must be related to a water quality benefit, which can include the prevention of contamination.  The purpose of this brownfields remediation financing initiative is to encourage the cleanup and reuse of contaminated properties while improving and protecting local water resources;


  • Drinking water, wastewater and storm water infrastructure facilities are also eligible


Ineligible Uses


  • Any construction activity not necessary for remediation or containment of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants released at the site, with the exception of water-related infrastructure facilities;


  • Improvements at the site to enhance real estate value but not related to site remediation efforts, including, but not limited to, any new structures or site reuse appurtenances (unless and only to the extent they provide a “cap” as part of the remediation);



  • Demolition or repair of buildings on or adjacent to the site, unless such demolition activity can be shown to be necessary for remediation of hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants released at the site that create or contribute to the creation of water quality degradation;


  • Permanent relocation of residents;


  • Testing not directly related to site remediation;


  • Payment of any administrative or civil fines and associated legal fees; or


  • Refinancing of existing debt.



  • Loans up to $11 million per project for one municipality
  • Up to $20 million for projects that server 2 or 3 municipalities
  • Amounts more than $20 million require a special vote of the PENNVEST Board of Directors, and for comprehensive projects that serve all or parts of four or more municipalities

Terms and Conditions

  • The term of loans under this initiative is twenty years.  Loan amortization will be on a monthly basis and will begin upon approval by DEP of the final report documenting attainment of cleanup standard(s) at the site pursuant to Act 2 or, if remediation is not required, upon receipt of a letter from DEP stating that no further action is required at the site.
  • Loan amortization maybe deferred for up to five years from the date that the loan would otherwise begin amortization, although nominal principal payments will be required during the deferral period.  Such deferment will be allowed as an exception to normal loan terms and must be requested by the borrower and approved by PENNVEST.  Deferment will not extend the date of final loan amortization but rather will serve to reduce the amortization period.
  • Interest rates on loans will be at the allowable county maximum rates, as defined in section 10(f) of the Act.  Interest accrues from the date that funds are disbursed to the borrower.  However, interest can be capitalized at the option of the borrower and included in loan principal at the time of amortization.


Main Street Program

The Borough of Waynesboro has been accepted into the Main Street program for the revitalization of downtown.

Summary - The Main Street Manager Component is a five-year program designed to help a community's downtown economic development effort through the establishment of a local organization dedicated to downtown revitalization and the management of downtown revitalization efforts by hiring a full-time professional downtown coordinator.  The Downtown Reinvestment and Anchor Building components use business district strategies to support eligible commercial related projects located within a central or neighborhood business district. This program has been merged into the New Communities Program.

Eligibility - Generally, a municipality is the applicant for the Main Street Manager Component. Municipalities and redevelopment authorities are the eligible applicants for the Downtown Reinvestment and Anchor Building components. In limited cases, a Main Street non-profit or Business District Authority with two years of audited records may apply for the funds.

Eligible Uses - For the Main Street Manager Component, administrative costs associated with the hiring of a coordinator and operating the office and design/facade are granted to private property owners within the target area. For the Downtown Reinvestment and Anchor Building components, physical improvements that are supported by a plan with clearly documented public benefit.


Where to Apply – DCED Customer Service Center


Amounts - Total of $115,000 over a 5-year period. For Downtown Reinvestment and Anchor Building components, up to $250,000 or one-third of the total development cost.  (Refer to DCED for 2008 amounts.)


Terms Match required for Main Street Component; For Downtown Reinvestment and Anchor Building components, leveraged funds should be committed to be competitive; Refer to the Program Guidelines


The key elements of programs to strengthen centers, such as Main Street Programs, are outlined below.   


           Improving the image by enhancing physical appearance, as appropriate


This includes enhancing the appearance of buildings, street lights, window displays, parking areas, signs, sidewalks, benches, landscaping, trash receptacles, utility poles and lines, and graphics.  Design in the area should recognize existing desirable physical elements, be compatible with the area's character, and be unified.   


           Securing consensus and cooperation among the groups that are involved in economic development


Parties which should be involved include Borough and Township officials, business people, bankers, real estate agents, customers, the media, residents of downtown, and civic groups.


           Promoting the Centers


The unique characteristics should be promoted to customers, investors, existing businesses, and potential new businesses. A positive image can be fostered through brochures, appropriate special events, and other programs.  


           Strengthening the Economy of the Centers


If the economy is strong, it is possible to maintain and upgrade the buildings in the existing communities. Existing businesses should be helped to expand; new businesses should be recruited; and increased use of any underutilized buildings should be promoted.


           Affecting Attitudes Towards the Centers


Consumers and investors have more positive attitudes toward downtown as they see changes taking place such as building improvement projects and new street furniture. Owners of buildings will be more likely to make improvements to their buildings.


Specific tasks to help maintain economic vitality can include:


   --      Helping businesses identify new sales opportunities


   --      Promoting the centers as cohesive shopping areas to market groups


   --      Listing potential new businesses


   --      Keeping track of prospective businesses


--      Improving the quality of businesses by helping them be more customer responsive and competitive


--      Having coordinated business hours that meet consumer needs.  Encouraging businesses to work together


   --      Encouraging attractive window and interior merchandise displays


   --      Maintaining information on the centers


   --      Marketing and promoting businesses


   --      Conducting an advertising campaign


   --      Helping to maintain existing businesses and encouraging patronage of those businesses


--      Working with financial institutions to establish loan pools


--      Maintaining a good working relationship between public and private sectors


--      Finding new uses for any underutilized or vacant buildings


--      Recruiting businesses to complement the retail and service mix


   --      Identifying sources of grants for physical improvements or providing matching grants for such improvements


   --      Assuring promotional activities create a consistent, positive image for the downtown, consistent with community characteristics and history


   --      Scheduling events to bring people into the community on a regular basis


   --      Understanding the center’s history


   --      Managing parking spaces


   --      Managing growth within the entire Region


   --      Working with developers to assure attractive, well-planned development


   --      Enhancing alternatives to auto traffic, including enhanced transit service and enhanced transit hubs with shelters, parking areas, and pedestrian walkways


   --      Landscaping standards


   --      Enhancing the pedestrian system and coordinating with open space and recreation and greenway planning


   --      Managing road corridors


   --      Protecting remaining natural resources


   --      Encouraging appropriate mixed use


   --      Incorporating open space, natural features and public spaces so they are visible and accessible, in order to humanize areas and providing reminders of why the Poconos area has attracted so many residents and visitors


   --      Addressing parking needs


   --      Recognizing the assets and defining characteristics of a center and enhancing and building upon those features.  Examples are building stock, variety of available services, walkability, and traditional development patterns.


Elm Street Program

Summary - Grant funds for planning, technical assistance and physical improvements to residential and mixed use areas in proximity to central business districts.


  • Municipalities
  • Redevelopment Authorities
  • Non – profit Main Street organizations
  • Economic development organizations
  • Neighborhood Improvement districts
  • Business improvement districts

Eligible Uses - Revitalization of Residential and Mixed use Neighborhoods; Administration costs to support an Elm Street Program.


Where to Apply - DCED single applications form; DCED Customer Service Center. 


Amounts - Up to $250,000 is available.


Terms - Administrative costs associated with hiring a full-time manager and related office expenses over a maximum five-year program term (includes one planning year and four operational years.) Minimum 10% local match required; if a part time manager is appropriate a reduction in total grant and match will occur.